
Shipping Policy

  • Currently Shipping within India ONLY
  • Free shipping is only valid for shipping addresses in India.

Shipping Confirmation Emails

We will send you a shipping confirmation email when all or part of your order is shipped.

The email will include the Courier tracking number. You will be sent a shipping confirmation email with a tracking number for every shipment.

Shipping in Multiple Packages

If your order includes several items, they may ship separately and at different times. So that we can deliver your purchases to you as efficiently as possible, items which ship from the same location are grouped together. Our shipping confirmation emails will let you know how much of your order has shipped.

Tracking Your Order

You can check the status of your order by clicking on the tracking link sent to you.

Delivering Your Package

We process, ship, and deliver packages Monday through Friday. At this time, we do not offer shipping or delivery on Saturday, Sunday, or holidays. Most items are available to ship in 10 business days unless otherwise noted.

Delivery Date

  • Regular orders : 2-7 days (depending on location)
  • Custom orders : Upto 30 days
  • Deliveries are made Monday through Friday, except for Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays in India.

Evolution Sport strives to deliver your order within the delivery date. Please note that the expected delivery date is at our best approximation and will vary with circumstances such as shipping restrictions, payment authorization, online security checks and stock availability.

Please note that we do not ship orders to any PO Box, military and protected areas. Delivery charges for failed attempted delivery to such restricted areas will be borne by the customer.



Delivery Failure

Please note that we only deliver to one delivery address per order. Rerouting delivery charges due to an incorrect or non-existent delivery address will be borne by the customer.

Duties & Taxes

Please note that shipping and handling charges do not account for all Additional Charges.

Evolution Sport is not able to determine these costs at checkout.

Any Additional Charges charged or collected by external parties cannot be refunded in any form by Evolution Sport. Please check with your local authorities on your tax responsibilities and rights.

In the event that taxes are incurred and if you refuse to accept delivery of the shipment, you shall be responsible for payment of all return charges, inclusive of any return taxes incurred. These charges will be deducted from the initial payment before a refund will be issued.

In the event that taxes are incurred in any shipment and where Evolution Sport assigned delivery agent pays such taxes on your behalf, you shall be liable to pay the tax amount to the delivery agent upon receipt of the shipment.

The sender shall be responsible for all taxes imposed by the state authorities for any returns of goods to Evolution Sport. Should the returned item(s) be deemed not to be in its original condition, Evolution Sport reserves all rights to return the item to the sender at the sender’s cost.

Other Information

State Clearance

Evolution Sport is committed to deliver your order at the soonest in a responsible way in compliance with the rules and regulations of the authorities at the delivery destination

Please check with your local authorities on the relevant import regulations before placing an order. We shall not be held responsible for any delays in orders delivery due to actions by the authorities at the delivery destination.

Payment Authorization

For every order made with Evolution Sport, all payments are processed on the day of order placement.


Online Security Check

Online Security Check is Evolution Sports’s preventive measure against credit card fraud transactions.

It aims to protect our customers from unauthorized and fraudulent dealings. We might request for additional information and documents for payment verification.

In such situations, your order(s) might be delayed. We seek your kind understanding in the delay of the shipment as a result of online security checks.

We may contact you for more information. In addition, we may require additional time for the processing of a larger order, inspection and packing of items and we appreciate your kind understanding in any delay of shipment.


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